The typical cyclist is anti-running to the n-th degree. They don’t even like walking. The phrase that gets thrown around is “If you can sit, sit. If you can lay, lay.” The one exception in cycling is cyclocross. Then you get to .2 miles… maybe each week. How much running do you do? Let us know in the comments below and how you mix the two.
Bike Lawn Mower
Bike Lane Joke
Study Concludes With New Virtual Reality Stationary Bike That Will Change Bike Riding As You Know It
The College of Athletic Performance at the University of Chestester has concluded a research study on the physiological and psychological effects of riding a bike at high intensity with external stimulations. Their study simulated real world riding conditions through the use of a stationary bike, a shaking mechanism, fans, mist, along with video eyeglasses and ear buds that the rider would wear to simulate what they would see and hear if they were riding down a road. The rider was placed in varying conditions featuring other riders riding and racing with them along with vehicular traffic which was coupled with road vibration, wind, and rain effects. This caused the riders body to generate normal feedback as if riding in the “real world”. The riders heart, lung, and brain activity were monitored along with how the rider felt and how tired their legs were. This was then followed with the same testing and monitoring of the rider on open roads under similar conditions to compare the findings and validate the “controlled” study.
The Findings
The results of the study found that increased mind stimulation and body output could be achieved through the use of a “real world simulating stationary bike”. Increased levels of adrenaline and endorphins were found in the body during exercise on the stationary bike. This was also correlated with how the riders said they felt after a particularly invigorating ride that featured simulated pot holes, wind from a descent, and close calls with vehicles in the video eyeglasses. When the rider was placed “racing” against another rider, increased power, oxygen uptake, and a higher level of physical output were observed.
This means that a rider can have more of a “real world” feel, both mentally and physically, through the use of a real world simulating stationary bike than actually riding outside on the roads. This is because the intensity of stimulating factors, such as a scary descent or a car buzzing you closely, can be increased to create an increased response from the brain. The resistance of the stationary bike could also be adjusted to induce more stress on the legs thus resulting in increased physiological adaptations.
The “Fake It – Live It Stationary Bike”
As a result of the study the researchers developed an all in one virtual reality bike called the Fake It – Live It Stationary Bike. The bike has all of the features above: vibrations, wind, and mist, along with the video eyeglasses and ear buds along with varying resistance to give a complete real world feel.
- A vibrating mechanism that shakes the whole bike when you hit a pot hole or other obstacle.
- An industrial strength fan that rotates around you to simulate wind from the front as well as the sides of you to simulate a cross wind. (It almost feels like you are going to tip over.)
- A mister is placed in front of you which simulates rain. (Great for keeping cool as well.)
- Video eyeglasses show real world routes. (Turn your head to see the views off the side of the road.)
- High grade ear buds simulate the sound of the wind.
- It is connected to WiFi so when you pass other riders you can give a friendly hello or even ride with them and have a conversation as well as race them if desired.
- The resistance of the stationary bike is connected to a computer program via your smart phone which adjusts the resistance to match the roads you’re riding in the eyeglasses.
Additional Features
The Fake It – Live It Stationary Bike is also programmed to give you a higher adrenaline and endorphin response along with a greater physiological stress on your legs than a real world ride would give. It does this by monitoring your activity levels throughout your day (such as how much your walking, sitting around, etc.) through the motion sensor in your smart phone along with how much you sleep at night. It then calculates how fatigued you are and places you under the maximum mental and physical stress your body can handle. You tell it how long you have to ride and it then places you in a ride to obtain the appropriate stressors to achieve the proper response from the body and mind.
Why You Need One
The Fake It – Live It Stationary Bike is now recommended by doctors, athletic trainers, and sports psychologists as the new best way to keep your body fit and healthy along with keeping your mind sharp and fresh. It can do all of this while keeping you safe in your own home where don’t have to worry about getting hit by cars, dogs chasing you, other cyclists causing you problems, ever getting lost, finding new roads and experiences, and ever actually having fun on your bike again. You can purchase one for the price of $16.70 Chestester University Dollars which is equivalent to 1/3 of 1/8 of $401.16Usd at your neighborhood convenience store. Don’t get fooled by how much of an affect riding inside can have on you.
Happy April Fools Day. Get out and ride!
A Bike Zen Joke
A Zen Teacher saw five of his students return from the market, riding their bicycles. When they had dismounted, the teacher asked the students, “Why are you riding your bicycles?”
The first student replied, “The bicycle is carrying this sack of potatoes. I am glad that I do not have to carry them on my back!” The teacher praised the student, saying, “You are a smart boy. When you grow old, you will not walk hunched over, as I do.”
The second student replied, “I love to watch the trees and fields pass by as I roll down the path.” The teacher commended the student, “Your eyes are open and you see the world.”
The third student replied, “When I ride my bicycle, I am content to chant, nam myoho renge kyo.” The teacher gave praise to the third student, “Your mind will roll with the ease of a newly trued wheel.”
The fourth student answered, “Riding my bicycle, I live in harmony with all beings.” The teacher was pleased and said, “You are riding on the golden path of non-harming.”
The fifth student replied, “I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle.” The teacher went and sat at the feet of the fifth student, and said, “I am your disciple.”
Courtesy of Piaw Na, Internet-BOB, and the proposed BikeZen email list.
Cycling Myths – Debunking Them
Cycling myths have been handed down through word of mouth, just like nasty gossip, growing more nasty with each personal version. But is there scientific evidence to support it? Probably not. Most common myths associated with cycling have been debunked.
Cycling Myths Versus Science
The real problem with cycling myths versus science though, if you go looking for it, is that you can find a study contradicting almost any standpoint. With that being said, here are a few common cycling myths debunked with the majority of studies leaning in that direction.
Cycling Myths – Cycling is Dangerous
You are more likely to get hurt in a car than on a bike. You can manipulate the data in many ways but when you ride a bike predictably with awareness of your surroundings, then you are safe on a bike. The myth regarding bike safety is based in statistics that don’t add up when placed in perspective. Cyclists are about 11 times more likely to be killed than car drivers — per mile. A driver who travels 11 times as far as a cyclist in a year is just as likely to have a fatal incident. The risks involved in walking, cycling, and driving are comparable when in relation of time spent doing that activity. It’s not the bicycle that is dangerous. It’s the car that hits the bike that is dangerous.
The Science
In terms of the number of actual deaths, traveling by motorcycle and walking are both statistically more dangerous than cycling. Another statistics puts it into perspective: Coronary heart disease kills 75,000 people per year in the UK. The British Heart Foundation studies show that one-in-ten of these deaths, about 7,500, is attributable to physical inactivity. That makes it 75 times as dangerous to be a couch potato as a cyclist.
Cycling Myths – Cycling Makes You Sterile
This tired old myth has been used to emasculate cyclists for years. It’s time for it to go away. Yes, you are sitting on delicate parts but even with a poorly fitting saddle this myth simply isn’t true. Getting a properly fitted saddle will however help with comfort on the bike.
The Science
The Mayo Clinic, and the University College London have concluded that there was no link between infertility or erectile dysfunction, and that many miles of cycling a week, even for more than 8 hours at a time, typically has no relation to fertility issues. In addition, study author Mark Hamer, PhD, reports that contemporary saddle technology is helping to relieve pressure on nerves to prevent that uncomfortable numbness that you might feel on a long ride; which is the likely source of the debate.
Cycling Myths – Avoid Sex Before a Ride
More bad mythology. There’s no scientific evidence to suggest that sex before a hard ride or race diminishes endurance or speed. The abstinence myth propagation is thought to be in relation to the fact that too much exertion prior to competing withdraws testosterone from the body. Studies have shown that it’s completely the opposite. Sex actually stimulates testosterone production. Persuading your other half of this fact the night before you ride is another matter entirely
The Science
Sex within ten or twelve hours of a race or long-distance ride can actually help you to ride better because it can promote falling asleep faster. Aside from the enjoyment of engaging in sex, it’s proven to have have many other benefits such as boosting immunity, lowering blood pressure, promoting heart health, and lowering stress.
Cycling Myths – Cyclists Don’t Pay Taxes
Road maintenance and infrastructure is funded from general taxation, which is paid by almost everyone, including cyclists, out of income tax, council tax, booze and sin tax, and other levies. Gas taxes that cyclists avoid, contribute very little to the overall transportation budget for highways.
The Science
About 90 per cent of cyclists drive cars and pay registration and licensing fees, which contributes to highway maintenance caused from big vehicles tearing up the highway, something that bikes don’t do at all. So in fact, cyclist pay more than their fair share of taxes.
Cycling Myths – Cyclists Should Stay as Close to the Curb as Possible
Cycling organizations worldwide have debunked this tired old adage. It might feel safer to be out of traffic by hugging the curb but it’s not. You never want to ride closer than about 36-inches from the curb. Riding too close to the curb puts you at risk of getting “doored,” or hitting a pedestrian. In addition, drivers can’t see you because of a certain blind spot, and when they do see you, often attempt to squeeze past you. By riding further out, you make yourself more visible to drivers and force them to react to your presence.
The Science
Cyclists are encouraged to travel in the middle of traffic when riding at similar speeds particularly when there isn’t enough of a shoulder. Cyclists should assert their position on the road, but not be obstructive. Taking the lane is advised for safety. If cars have to wait to get around you, don’t be intimidated. You have every right to the lane. Some jurisdictions have already provided a law for this with the 3-foot safety zone, meaning that cars must pass greater than 3 feet of any cyclists.
Cycling Myths – You Must be Fit to Cycle
While cycling will definitely improve your fitness, you don’t have to start out that way. You don’t have to be in top physical condition to ride a bike. The perception that cycling is tough comes from bad bikes. Often heavy as hell, set up wrong with too low of a saddle or just a poor bike fit in general, under-inflated tires, brakes that rub, or from trying to pedal in too high a gear because you don’t understand how a bike works.
The Science
Anyone can cycle. But if you haven’t been on a bicycle recently, it’s not a myth to get a physical before going for it to any real extent. Cycling is low impact so it’s a great way to get in shape in general and then when that fitness comes, cycling will be even easier and more fun.
Do you have any cycling myths that you would like debunked? Leave us a comment below.
Female vs Male Cycling Joke
Her Diary:
Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn’t flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn’t say much. I asked him what was wrong; He said, “Nothing I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn’t upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it. On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smailed slightly, and kept driving. I can’t explain his behavior – I don’t know why he didn’t say, “I love you, too.” When we got home, I felt as I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later, he came to bed. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep – I cried. I don’t know what to do. I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.
His Diary:
There’s this creaking on my bike that sounds like it’s coming from the bottom bracket … can’t figure out why.
Bike making weird noises? They can be a pain to figure out and even once you do they can be tricky to fix. This should help a little “Bike Noises — Don’t Let Them Scare You” Don’t let the noises get to you though.
Indoor Cycling Quotes
Best Bike Jokes of All Time!
Short Bike Jokes

A tandem rider is stopped by a police car. “What’ve I done, officer?” asks the rider.
“Perhaps you didn’t notice sir, but your wife fell off your bike half a mile back . . .”
“Oh, thank God for that,” says the rider – “I thought I’d gone deaf!”
A Cyclists Prayer: “Dear God. If there is such a thing as reincarnation then please may I return as a ladies bicycle seat”
Jack an Jill have just climbed Le Alp de Huez on a tandem: “Phew that was a tough climb” said Jack “Thought I was going to bonk“. “Yeah good job I kept the brakes on” said Jill “or we’d have slid all the way back down!”
“I’ve really had it with my dog: he’ll chase anyone on a bicycle.”
“So what are you going to do – leave him at the dog’s home? Give him away? Sell him?”
“No, nothing that drastic. I think I’ll just confiscate his bike.”
My granny started cycling at 97 years old. She has been doing ten miles per day – and now we don’t know where the heck she is!
“Where’s your bicycle Vicar” I said, (because it was the first time I had seen him walking in 10 years!). “Don’t know, I think it might have been stolen, but I will get it back on Sunday” he replied. “At my next sermon I will go through the ten commandments. When I get to ‘thou shalt not steal’ God will sort it out, I’ve got faith”
The following week, sure enough he was riding the bike again. So I asked him if the ten commandments thing had worked as planned: “I got as far as thou shall not commit adultery…….then I suddenly remembered where I left the bike..”
Two Nuns were riding a tandem along Wapping Warf in Bristol. The Nun on the back seat (the stoker) remarked “I’ve never come this way before”, the reply “Must be the cobble stones”
Why can’t a bicycle stand up on its own?
Because it’s too tired!
The pedestrian (lemming) stepped off the kerb into the road without looking and gets knocked down by a passing cyclist:
“You were lucky” said the cyclist “What are you on about! That really hurt!” said the pedestrian “Usually I drive a bus!” the cyclist replied
If you want to know why the Brits are so good at cycling…. Then just take a look at the cost of public transport.
I’m no Tour de France expert… but it seems that the best way to win is to wear a yellow t-shirt
Q: What do you call a professional cyclist who just broke up with his girlfriend?
A: Homeless
Q: When is a bicycle not a bicycle?
A: When it turns into a driveway.
Q: How do you know you’ve married a cycling addict?
A: You laundry has more bike jerseys than clothes.
Medium Length Bike Jokes
The Tired Cyclist
A tired cyclist stuck his thumb out for a lift: After 3 hours, hadn’t got anyone to stop. Finally, a guy in a sports car pulled over and offered him a ride. But the bike wouldn’t fit in the car. The driver got some rope out of the trunk and tied it to his bumper. He tied the other end to the bike and told the rider: “If I go too fast, ring your bell and I’ll slow down.”
Everything went well until another sports car blew past them. The driver forgot all about the cyclist and put his foot down. A short distance down the road, they hammered through a speed trap.
The cop with the radar gun and radioed ahead that he had 2 sports cars heading his way at over 120 mph. He then relayed, “and you’re not going to believe this, but there’s a cyclist behind them ringing his bell to pass!”.
A True Cyclists Mind
A cyclist shows up for a group ride on a new carbon speed machine.
“Hey, where did you get the new ride?”, asks one of the group.
“Well,” he says, “I was out on a ride when this really hot chick rode up alongside. We got to talking and one thing led to another and we stopped at a park. She suddenly stripped all of her clothes off and said, ‘take what you want’, so I took the bike.”
“Good thing too,” said the friend, “the clothes probably wouldn’t have fit.”
A cyclist was stopped by customs. “What’s in the bags?”, asked the officer, pointing to his panniers. “Sand,” said the cyclist. “let me take a look”, said the cop. The Cyclist did as he was told, emptied the bags, and proving they contained nothing but sand, refilled the bags, and continued across the border.
A week later, the same thing happened, and continued every week for a year, until one day the cyclist with the sand bags failed to appear.
A few months later, the cop saw the cyclist living it up downtown. “You sure had us foxed”, said the cop. “We knew you were smuggling something across the border. I won’t say a word – but what was it you were smuggling? ….. “Bicycles!”
Two Nerds on a Tandem
Two nerds are riding along on a tandem, when suddenly, the one on the front slams on the brakes, gets off and starts letting air out of the tires.
The one on the back says: “HEY! What are you doing that for!?”
The first nerd says, “My seat was too high and was hurting my butt. I wanted to lower it a bit.”
So the one in the back has had enought. He jumps off, loosens his own seat and spins it round to face the other direction.
Now it’s the first guy’s turn to wonder what’s going on. “What are you doing?” he asks his friend.
“Look mate,” says the rider in the back, “if you’re going to do stupid stuff like that, I’m going home!!”
God Cycling
A devout cyclist dies and goes to heaven. Saint Peter meets him at the gate. The cyclist asks if there are bicycles in heaven. Peter says “Sure, let me show you,” and leads the guy into the finest Velodrome you can imagine.
“This is great,” the cyclist says. “You will love it here” says Peter. “You will be fitted to a custom track bike, the mechanics will glue on fresh silks each night, and your personal masseuse is always available.” As they speak a blur flys by them on the boards riding a gold plated Cinelli and the cyclist says “Wow he was fast, that must be Eddy Merckx!”
“No,” says Peter, “that was God, he only wishes he was Eddy”.
Cyclist Goes Out In Terrible Weather
On Saturday morning, a roadie gets up early, as he has for so many Saturday morning rides, and softly slips out of the bedroom.
He dresses quietly in the next room, grabs his helmet and water bottles, and goes out to pump the tires. As the garage door opens, he’s confronted by an icy, windswept rain.
He’s ridden before in these conditions. He doesn’t like it, but when it’s Saturday morning he never misses. He
ponders the dismal conditions and then retreats to the kitchen to tune a small TV to the Weather Channel.
The forecast only sounds worse. This is one Saturday when he just can’t summon the determination.
With a sigh, he slips off his shoes, quietly returns to the bedroom, undresses and slips back into bed.
There he cuddles up to his wife’s back and whispers, “The weather out there is terrible.”
To which she sleepily replies, “Can you believe my husband went riding in that crap?”
Long Bike Jokes
You Know You Are Addicted To Cycling IF…
You hear someone had a crash and your first question is “How’s the bike?”
Your wife tells you the only way she’ll let you ride across the country is over her dead body and you tell her, “If that’s the case, you’ll be my first speed bump!”
You have stopped even trying to explain to your other half why you need more than one bike…you just go buy another one and figure it will all work out in the divorce settlement.
You see nothing wrong with discussing the connection between hydration and urine color.
You find your Shimano touring shoes to be more comfortable and stylish than your new trainers.
You have more money invested in your bike clothes than in the rest of your combined wardrobe.
“Four cheeseburgers and four large French Fries” is for you.
You see a fit, tanned, Lycra-clad young thing ride by, and the first thing you check out is his or her bicycle.
You use wax on your chain, AND on your legs (boys).
Your first course when you eat out is a large banana split.
Your bike has more miles on its computer then your car’s odometer.
You wear your bike shorts swimming.
Your bikes are worth more than your car.
You buy a people-carrier and immediately remove the rear seats to allow your bike(s) to fit.
When you move to a new area the first thing you look for is a bike shop.
You have more bike jerseys than low-cut tops.
You take your bike along when you shop for a car – just to make sure the bike will fit inside.
You view crashes as an opportunity to upgrade components.
You clean your bike(s) more often then your house.
You put your bike in your car and the value of the total package increases by a factor of 3 (or better).
You regard inter-gender discussion of your genital pain/size/shape/utility as normal.
Your New Years resolution is to put more miles on your bike than your car, and you do it.
You can tell your other half, with a straight face that it’s too hot to mow the lawn and then bike off for a century.
Your kids bring a rear derailleur to “Show & Tell”.
Your car sits outside your garage because your garage is full of bikes and cycling gear.
A measurement of 44-36-40 doesn’t refer to the latest Playboy centrefold, but that new gear ratio you were considering.
You wear your heart monitor to bed to make sure you stay within your target zone during any extracurricular activities.
There is no time like the present, for postponing what you ought to be doing, and go bicycling instead…
You no longer require a hankie to blow your nose.
You smile at your evening date, and she politely points out that you seem to have bugs in your teeth.
You can’t seem to get to work by 8:30 AM, even for important meetings, but you don’t have any problems at all meeting your mates at 6:30 AM for a hundred-miler.
Your surgeon tells you you need a heart valve replacement and you ask if you have a choice between Presta and Schrader.
You’re too tired for hanky-panky on a Friday night but pump out a five-hour century on Saturday.
What Cyclists Say and What They Mean!
Cyclists are the biggest sandbaggers and secret trainers around. They’ll say anything to soften you up for the kill. Don’t let this happen to you. Study this handy rider’s phrasebook to find out what they really mean when they say:
I think my tire pressure is low.”
Translation: Slow down, will ya?
“I definitely have a flat tire.”
Help me change it
“This trail is a blast!”
I hope you have good medical insurance
“I’m on my beater bike”
I had this baby custom-made in Tuscany using Carbon Fiber blessed by the Pope. I took it to a wind tunnel and it disappeared. It weighs less than a fart and costs more than a divorce.
“This is a no-drop ride”
I’ll need an article of your clothing for the search-and-rescue dogs.
“That wasn’t that bad…”
Oh…my…god… I’m…having…a…heart…attack…
“Wow, that was at least 10 feet high”
5 feet max. probably closer to 4
“I don’t have a low enough gear.”
I’ve gained 5 pounds
“I’ve decided to buy a lighter bike.”
I’ve gained 10 pounds
“That climb wasn’t that bad!”
I’m going to puke
“I’m carbo loading.”
Pass the beer
“I’m tapering.”
I haven’t ridden in 2 months
“If you’re a good bike handler, you don’t need to wear a helmet.”
I’m so stupid and a brain injury wouldn’t affect me
“She hammers!”
She’s faster than me
“I bonked.”
I went too hard and all I had to eat was a twinkie
“If you don’t crash, you’re not going fast enough, dude!”
I crash a lot
“I don’t own a car.”
I’m a better person than you
“I do all my own bike maintenance.”
When I squeeze the front brake lever, the bike shifts gears
“Thanks for waiting.”
Wipe that smug grin off your ugly face
“Been riding much?”
How fit are you?
“Not much. You?”
My anaerobic threshold is 250 and my resting pulse is 14
“Well, let’s take it easy today.”
Ready, set, go!
“Hold on, there’s something wrong with my bike.”
Let’s stop so I can rest
“My tires suck!”
This climb is killing me!
“It’s getting dark.”
I wanna go home
“This bike is a piece of ****!”
I can’t ride worth ****
“This hill is easy.”
This trail’s pretty tough but I’m gonna try and lose you on it
“My bike was acting funny.”
Otherwise I would have whooped your butt!
“He’s pretty good.”
I know I’m better than him
“He spends a lot of time biking!”
I wish I was as good as him
“That thing’s a piece of ****.”
I wish I had one…
“It’s not that far”
Bring your passport.
The Ten Commandments for Cycling
1. Thou shalt have no other God than Eddy Merckx.
2. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s bicycle, nor cast thy covetous eyes upon Full Carbon gadgets that thou cannot afford.
3. Thou shalt not lurk behind thy brother’s wheel for many miles and then hammer past without thanks.
4. Thou shalt not inflict upon thy bikeless brethren thy unending monologue concerning thy Training and thy step by step thoughts and feelings of thy last race.
5. Thou shalt become aware that the Pleasures that thou findeth in Cycling are not in direct proportion to the amount of cash thou parteth with, nor shalt thou giveth a large tythe of thy monthly salary to thy Local Bike Shop
6. Behold it is written that thou shalt not spend every living moment planning thy next ride lest thy spouse fileth for Divorce, thereby taketh you to the cleaners and forceth the sale of thy Bicycle.
7. Thou shalt return in kind the actions and services rendered unto you by thy Car Driving Brethren, not forgetting the Appropriate Hand Gestures and Helpful Directives as to where thou shouldst ride.
8. Thou shalt wash thy water bottles before thou noticeth vile fungi forming in the bottom, for this thing is an abomination to thy Spouse.
9. Thou shalt not use the Towel of thy Spouse to wipe down thy chain, for this also is also an abomination to her and delighteth her Lawyers.
10. Thou shalt not lie to thy elders in the peloton about thy speeds, lest thou looketh rather ridiculous next time you ride with them.
This is cycling law and if any of the commandments are broken it is a sin punishable by a flat tire, bonking and in extreme cases bad race days
The Seven Deadly Sins Of Cycling
How many of the seven deadly sins of cycling do you break? Are you an Angel or the Devil on wheels? Take the test now to see where you fit in.
1. Forgetting To Wear Your Helmet
Safety First! Brain damage is not cool.
2. Not Waving to Your Fellow Cyclist
Are you not friendly? Are you not enjoying yourself? What is the matter with you? The only valid excuse is if you are an amputee. Too many times I have ridden by cyclists giving a nice friendly wave to receive nothing in return but the look of bewilderment… as if there was something wrong with me! Wave to your fellow cyclist and at least pretend that you care.
3. Coveting Thy Neighbours Bike
Be happy with your ride! 0.01 grams lighter is not going to change you in to Eddy Merckx. Work on improving the engine, not the bike.
4. Upgradeitis
Upgradeitis is a disease that is easily contracted by cyclists and hard to treat. Once the disease has been contracted it is nearly impossible to cure. All the new “better, lighter and faster” parts are coming out and they are going to decrease your time by 0.7 seconds for every hour of riding… better get one of those overly priced uncomfortable pure carbon saddles with no butt padding… on second thought… make it two?!?!
5. Forgetting the Tubes
Did you leave your extra tubes at home? Hope you brought your phone!
6. The Wheel Sucker
Don’t be that guy… you know… that guy that sits at the back of the pack wheel sucking… or just plain sucking… not taking his turn at a pull even though he has lots of energy. Don’t be that guy.
7. Gluttony
Cycling to lose weight? Just because you went for a ride does not entitle you to six beer, a burger, fries and a side of onion rings! mmm onion rings… Ever heard of a salad with chicken?
How Sinful are you?
The Sinful Chart:
0 to 1 – Angel
2 – Saint
3 to 4 – Menace on wheels
5 to 6 – Speed Demon
7 – The Devil on Wheels
Can you help us add to the bike jokes listed above? Please leave your best bike jokes in the comments below!
Cycling Joke
A tired cyclist stuck his thumb out for a lift: After 3 hours, hadn’t got anyone to stop. Finally, a guy in a sports car pulled over and offered him a ride. But the bike wouldn’t fit in the car. The driver got some rope out of the trunk and tied it to his bumper. He tied the other end to the bike and told the rider: “If I go too fast, ring your bell and I’ll slow down.”
Everything went well until another sports car blew past them. The driver forgot all about the cyclist and put his foot down. A short distance down the road, they hammered through a speed trap.
The cop with the radar gun and radioed ahead that he had 2 sports cars heading his way at over 120 mph. He then relayed, “and you’re not going to believe this, but there’s a cyclist behind them ringing his bell to pass!”.