With many adult sport clubs and training facilities restricted or fully closed during the past year, athletes of all types are turning towards online services to assist with their training needs. Online cycling coaching has existed for decades, but over the last few years it has accelerated substantially with the use of more sophisticated online tools and apps to connect with athletes, deliver programs, and effectively manage training programs. Then, the global pandemic accelerated the demand for online cycling coaching even more!

3 Ways 2020 Changed Online Cycling Coaching Forever
#1: It’s Changed The Way We Communicate
How is working with an online cycling coach different from working with a local coach in-person? The answer might surprise you and the reality is, it’s not that different, especially now that we have become accustomed to online interactions more so now than ever before.
The pandemic’s first major impact is on the way we communicate and it has forced most people to learn and use various online communication tools. While it’s a nice luxury to have actual “face-time” with your coach, “face-time” by, well… Facetime… or Zoom, is almost more normal now than talking to someone in-person. This has opened up opportunities for cyclists to work with companies and coaches outside their local community.
#2: Communities and Clubs Have Moved Online
The second thing that COVID-19 has changed is the “team dynamic” of training and participating in sport. As sport clubs and organizations were forced to cease training and racing activities, more and more athletes turned to online group training options.
With the loss of our “training community” as lock-downs and restrictions tightened, we quickly saw online communities form to fill the void . Online cycling platforms like Zwift exploded and finding an indoor trainer was virtually impossible. This has opened up a whole new world for the online coach to create online group training activities and a sense of community without the constraints of physical location.

#3: Lifestyle Training Has Taken Over From Events
The third and probably largest impact COVID-19 has had on the athletic world is the complete destruction of most of our beloved events. The big event days we used to look forward to and trained for all year long were wiped from the calendar, and with it, most of our motivation. After a brief time of packing on a few pounds and lazing around the house, online coaching has become a much needed re-entry support service to help people get back to regular training activities.
Setting and achieving goals that don’t involve racing has been a new focus for most online coaches and it’s no longer just about working towards that big race. Coaches have had to shift to a more “holistic” approach and focus more on the individual athlete and their personal needs, wants, goals and aspirations that extend beyond events. Attacking deeper issues like mental illness and depression, isolation and overcoming all the new barriers to training has become a common part of the athlete-coach conversation.
If you want to take a look at the silver lining, COVID-19 has forced the online coach to evolve and become better. From communication, to creating online training opportunities, to developing online communities, and being more focused on each athlete’s personal development, online coaches have upped their game.
If you’re looking to “re-enter” the world of cycling and get your active life back on track, an online coach may be the answer for you. Dynamic Cyclist offers 1-On-1 Online Coaching options with a free, no pressure call with a coach. Click here to learn more!