If you take the time to learn how to breathe properly while cycling, your performance could go from zero to hero in just a few short sessions. We don’t think about breathing technique because our bodies are designed to try and keep breathing no matter what, and this can lead us down a road of dysfunction we never even knew we were traveling on.
People think that in order to increase your lung capacity for cycling you just need to push yourself harder, faster and longer on the bike. More hills, more sprints and never-ending rides. Sure – this will increase your fitness, but the thing stopping you from reaching optimal lung capacity on the bike could be the way you breathe in and of itself…
Today we’re going to tell you about THE breathing problem to fix if you want to become a better cyclist, and how it will serve you in ways not just on the bike – but in every other part of your life. Breathing is obviously essential, and learning how to do it better is never a waste of time. So strap in, take a deep breath and keep reading!
Source: John R. Perry/Pixabay
Am I Breathing Properly?
“Should I breathe through my nose or my mouth while cycling?”
“How many pedal strokes should I inhale and how many should I exhale?”
“Are intervals the best way to increase my lung capacity on the bike?”
These are all fine questions to ask, but will be a complete waste of time trying to answer if you’re not taking in air properly in the first place. Unfortunately, this is not only the case for most cyclists, but for most people in general. This results in poor performance, high stress levels and even mental health problems like anxiety.
Because of our modern lifestyles of sitting on couches, working at desks and driving in cars, the majority of the population has developed what is called a faulty breathing pattern. This simply means that the manner in which they breathe is not optimal for the way their body is designed to function. This most commonly represents itself in the form of chest breathing.
Chest Breathing
When someone is a “chest breather”, you’ll see their chest and shoulders rise when they inhale. There won’t be any belly movement, and in some cases you can even see the belly go in (called an inverted breathing pattern). Somebody who breathes this way is constantly sending a stress signal to their nervous system, because they are forever only getting submaximal oxygen intake.
Someone who only breathes through their chest can only take in about ⅓ the amount of oxygen their body is capable of inhaling on a given breath. Throughout history, limited oxygen would have been the result of having some sort of stress to respond to – this is partly responsible for the evolution of our “fight or flight” response, but we shouldn’t be in this state all the time.
This is exactly the state perpetual chest breathers put themselves in, and it’s a major contributor to a person’s stress levels and in our specific case, poor cycling performance. Not only that, this pattern of breathing overworks muscles in our neck (scalenes) and rib cage (intercostals). People who have chronic neck and chest tightness almost always have a faulty breathing pattern.
How To Breathe While Cycling
You may have determined by now that you are in fact one of those aforementioned chest breathers, but not to worry! Even though this has by now become a very ingrained and practiced breathing pattern in your body (like, over 20,000 times a day kind of practiced), it doesn’t mean we can’t change it through a little focus and concentration.
Breathing for cycling, and good health in general, should be governed by your diaphragm. The diaphragm is a thin, dome shaped muscle that separates your abdomen from your chest cavity, and is the muscle responsible for what is called belly breathing.
Source: Alila Medical Media/Adobe Stock
Belly Breathing
Belly breathing allows you to take in full, deep breaths that keep your nervous system calm, aid in digestion and allow you to perform to your potential during exercise and sport. When you contract the diaphragm, it flattens its dome shape, providing space for the lungs to drop and expand. It also creates a vacuum which pulls air into the lungs (pictured above).
The term belly breathing came about because of the rise and fall of the tummy during the breath cycle. However, contrary to the common cue, “breathe into your belly”, air does not actually enter into the abdomen. Fun fact, the movement comes from your organs being pushed down and out against your abdominal wall.
Having a fully functioning diaphragm while riding is going to send your cycling performance through the roof. Our seated and often hunched over position on the bike can encourage the stiffness and decreased movement in our diaphragm that we see similarly in desk workers and sedentary people, so it may be a conscious effort in the beginning to get things working smoothly.
Breathing Techniques For Cycling
Most important is to start becoming aware of how you breathe, on and off the bike. The more stressed you are, whether that’s by daily life or by exertion while cycling, the more likely you are going to revert to a chest breathing pattern. Increase your awareness throughout the day, and start consciously trying to breathe with your diaphragm as opposed to your chest.
As previously mentioned, chest breathers often have tight, overworked chests, necks and abdomens. Stretching these areas can help them to relax so that the diaphragm, which is a deep, central respiratory muscle, can start to move, work and regain its pliability and overall functionality. Stop sucking in, free your belly and let it rise!
We recommend Dynamic Cyclist to anyone looking for a comprehensive training, performance and injury prevention platform designed specifically for cyclists. Their follow along video routines are led by world class coaches who give you the right cues to breathe properly while exercising, which carries over to the bike and how you perform during rides!
If you’re interested in giving them a try, you can sign up for a 7-day free trial HERE.