There is no lack of terrible advice out there from everyone and below is a just a small sample of some of the worst cycling tips ever given.
Warning: If you are a beginner cyclist you will want to be wary of the people who give you the following tips:
Go Vegan
Ok, perhaps a bit controversial, but vegan is not conducive to all people. You hear of amazing vegan athletes and believe that perhaps that is the secret. For some it may be; however, most individuals will not realize how much more they have to consume, and will not get enough protein when they make the switch. In essence switching to vegan will likely make you lose some weight but leave you malnourished and weaker.
Sweat Out a Cold
Sweat out a cold? Yes, follow this nice cycling tip if you want to be sick for months and feel like taking antibiotics. Take a few rest days until you recover.
Attack the Climb
Perhaps not, you are looking to take it smooth and steady for best results while climbing a hill. Start out too fast and you will die by the top.
Don’t Train With Food
There is a theory that fasting will train your body to consume fat as an energy source instead of carbs. While this is partially true, it also forces your body to break down muscle and consume it as energy, this is obviously counter productive. Fuel your body properly and see better fitness gains.
Don’t Drink
You are probably thinking, well yeah that makes sense, no alcohol. Unfortunately, the advice is against drinking water while out on a ride. If you are as little as 3% low on hydration levels you will start to see performance drops. Your v02 max and lactate threshold significantly decreases.
Mash Up Hills
Granted that everyone is different, some people like to grind it out a little more while others like to spin… There is a tipping point, when you mash too hard then you will not feel as fresh at the top, your muscles will be screaming and you will be more fatigued than necessary. Aim for a cadence of around 70 – 75 rpm up a hill, drop a gear if your cadence slows, don’t have another gear? Consider buying a compact chain ring or a triple chain ring.
Don’t Wear Cycling Pants or Gloves
If you are looking to get injured then follow this terrible cycling tip. Some cyclists like to be macho in the cold weather, but if it is cold out and you don’t wear appropriate cycling pants then you are increasing your chances of a knee injury. Not wearing gloves, you increase your risk of falling because of your decreased motor skills.
Riding a Bike Will Save You Money
Famous last words. How many bikes are you supposed to have? N+1 with N being the current number of bikes you own. Admittedly, some people will save money by biking… but if you are looking to get in to road biking as opposed to strictly commuting, then good luck.
Ride Against Traffic
That way you can see the car that’s going to kill you. Never ever ride against traffic!!!
Don’t Drink Alcohol
If you are going to try and race pro maybe you should limit your alcohol intake, but life is meant to be enjoyed. Lets drink beer and ride bikes… or should it be the other way around?
No Sex Before a Race
The argument states that it takes up too much energy or your legs are not as strong the next day. The truth is 5 minutes of love making doesn’t use a whole lot of energy, certainly not enough to affect performance. Take it if you can get it.
What bad cycling advice have you been given lately? Can you share a story of the worst cycling tips given to you?